EYE School’s fees module helps schools to define the fees, payments and print student’s fees for classes per academic year where different fees apply. Once the class fees structure is defined with payments schedule for each fees, the fees module known as “student fees” is then set according to class fees structure based on the fees in each class and section. Multiple fees are permitted allowing the school to add customized schedules when needed. The fees module is allowing supervisor to should total fees payments for each class and section also with printing details each student fees. This is achieved with an easy and clear GUI.



Fees features include but not limited to:

  • Creation of multiple Class fees structure for different classes and sections.
  • Enable to import class fees structure from another class and section to reduce steps and woks for user.
  • Ability to create payment schedule for each fees in the class and customize number of payment by selecting (month – day) to appear in student fees automatically.
  • Student fees come with meaningful colors to tell the user whose different status of student’s payment (full paidpartially paidnot paidbroken payment)
  • Ability to customize fess for each student as (bus – books – etc. …) and add it to student payments.
  • User can re schedule payment if the payment has broken and did not pay for the student.
  • System can send notification (App or SMS) to the parents to tell them about date of payments related to their children fees.
  • Allow for supervisor to know total payments and remaining in each class and section.
  • Parents can check the payments for any of their kids using parent fees page and print details of it including total amount for paid and remaining.

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